Learn more about  

APS Lifetech West Africa is a fast evolving biotech company that is focused on Life Sciences Equipment, drug discovery, Consulting & CRO Services. It is also actively involved in sales of Medical devices, laboratory instruments and Bio-pharma, Antibodies & Chemical reagents products under one roof.
APS Lifetech West Africa is also involved in Bio IT services through its sister concern - APS LiFETECH WA LABS (APSLWA LABS ).
We support Java, Android, iOS Platform Development and expertise in edge cutting technologies like Spring , Hibernate and Struts frameworks.
We do Training in Bioinformatics, Training in Equipment Usages,
All Ancestral Genetics DNA Testing, Genetics Counselling. 
To crown it all we do Sales, Installations, Maintenances and Repairs!


We can serve you better in any areas of your choice, we are prompt, reliable and accurate. Try us today and you will never regret!

APS LIFETECH WEST AFRICA- More to Sciences, More to Life!


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